🌺 愛的荷爾蒙 loving Hormone
資料來源:Family Massage Education Center家庭按摩教育中心
翻譯:鄭宜珉 新新寶母NUTURER教育推廣中心
荷爾蒙是什麼?What is a Hormone?
荷爾蒙是一種在組織當中釋放的生物化學物質, 會在人體血液中運行, 而在不同的身體部位產生生理性的反應。我們來先認識一下其中一種稱為“Oxytocin(奧希特辛或催產激素)"的荷爾蒙。Oxytocin常常被稱為“愛或感覺美好”的荷爾蒙, 它也能在產程中和產後促進子宮收縮, 在哺乳的時候, 下視丘會釋放Oxytocin, 在母親的乳頭因為寶寶吸吮而受到刺激時, 促成乳汁分泌。Oxytocin也能鼓舞母子之間、伴侶之間(特別在親密時刻)、同時在“父子之間(如圖所示)”親密感的感受, 更有趣的是看到如果是一個不投入的父職角色, 對母子之間Qxytocin分泌量的影響。
It is a biochemical produced in tissue that travels through the bloodstream and produces physiological responses in other parts of the body. Let’s examine oxytocin. Oxytocin is often called the “love or feel good” hormone. It stimulates contractions of the uterus during and after labor. The hypothalamus releases oxytocin during breastfeeding, which causes milk release as the mother’s nipples are stimulated when the baby suckles. Oxytocin also encourages feelings of bonding between mother and child, man and woman (especially during intimacy), and as the diagram shows, between father and child. It is very interesting to see how an uninvolved dad affects the oxytocin levels in the mother and baby.
另外還有一些也會在親子之間呈現的荷爾蒙有Prolactin(泌乳激素), 會有助於乳汁分泌, 並促進滋養照護行為, 這個荷爾蒙也能規律化免疫功能, 同時, 和Oxytocin一樣, Prolactin也可以因為寶寶的吸吮刺激而產生, Vasopressin(升壓素)也是一個和Oxytocin相關的荷爾蒙, 它能促進愉悅和正向回饋的感受和動機, 也促進人類的社會性與親密依附行為, 我們的身體會釋放出有助於家庭當中愛和親密感的荷爾蒙, 不是一個好神奇的事實嗎?
Some other hormones present in either parent or the baby are: Prolactin, which helps with milk production, and fosters nurturing and caring. It also helps regulate immune function; and like oxytocin, it is released by the stimulation of baby’s suckling. Vasopressin is a relative hormone to oxytocin. It promotes feelings and motivations of pleasure and reward, and promotes social and intimate attachments in men. Isn’t it fascinating how our bodies can produce hormones that encourage love and bonding in a family?


  圖片下方的橫軸, 每一個項目分別是
1. 懷孕測試陽性反應(確定懷孕).....2. 感覺寶寶胎動........3. 出生.........4. 6個月.........5. 12個月.....
虛線則是“如果爸爸一點都不投入親職”, Oxytocin含量的結果
有趣的事實是, 爸爸從寶寶身上獲得的Qxytocin, 從胎動開始大量提高, 因此, 證實了多數新手爸媽的經驗, 爸爸需要真正感覺寶寶的存在, 才能確認自己的爸爸角色, 孕期的爸爸幫媽媽按摩, 非常有助於這個父職角色的形成。
此外, 當父親完全不投入時, 其他兩人的Oxytocin含量也驟降, 是個有趣的事實, 證實了即使是個笨手笨腳的父親, 只要投入, 也能有助於親子關係的建立, 母親們也應該盡力協助父親建立親職信心, 多點鼓勵
謹以這個有趣簡短的資訊, 獻給爸爸月的爸爸們.........

原文翻譯 / 圖說作者 鄭宜珉
鄭宜珉修圖 小.jpg

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