
在為寶寶進行按摩的時候, 我們鼓勵家長使用“冷壓的”, "無添加香氣的“, “可食用的”“植物油”, 其中, 杏桃仁油就是符合這些標準的油脂當中, 分子結構最小(質地最輕柔, 吸收最快速)的一種油脂, 今天, 就讓我們一起來認識一下,  這一種金黃色澤, 香氣天然的按摩油

Apricot Kernel Oil
Apricot kernel oil is obtained from the kernels ( seeds ) of Apricots. After eating these delicious fruits, the seeds are used to make this light oil. Apricot kernel oil is great for use as a massage oil as it is very light and makes the skin soft. Apricot kernels themselves are quite healthy and are being researched for a number of health conditions including cancer. Apricot kernel oil is quite similar to almond oil and its applications are also similar. This oil has a deep, nutty flavor which makes it an excellent ingredient for desserts and other recipes.
杏桃仁油搾取自甜杏仁果時的果核, 當我們食用完這些甜美的果實之後, 果核就被用來榨取這種質地輕盈的油脂。杏桃仁油是一種絕佳的按摩油, 因為質地非常輕盈, 使用完會使得皮膚相當柔軟。杏桃仁果核本身是非常健康的, 研究人員進行了很多杏桃仁果核在各種健康狀況應用方面的研究, 包含“癌症”。杏桃仁油的特質和甜杏仁油是很相似的, 包含用途都很相似, 杏桃仁油擁有很深刻的核果香氣, 所以用來製作甜點或是其他食物都很恰當

Apricot kernel oil is extracted from seeds of Apricot ( Prunus armeniaca ). Apricots are native to Armenia, although it is believed that Apricots may have originated in China. The fruit is widely cultivated in Mediterranean and Central Asia. The largest producer of Apricots is Turkey. The seeds of apricot have a high percentage of oil. It is quite possible that this seed has been used to extract oil since ancient times. Apricot kernel oil has been mentioned in TCM ( Traditional Chinese medicine ) where it is used for treating tumors and ulcers. This use of apricot kernel spread far and wide with time and was used for this purpose in England in 17th century. Apricots themselves are great for a number of conditions. Eating just a few dried apricots can alleviate constipation because of the high fiber content in them. There are two types of Apricot kernel oil.
杏桃仁油榨取自性桃仁果實的果核, 是亞美尼亞的原生水果, 但也有人相信它其實原生種是來自中國, 目前這種果實普遍種植於地中海區域和中亞地區, 最大的杏桃仁果實產區是土耳其。杏桃仁油果核的含油量極高, 這種油的使用可能源自於古代時期就開始了, 在傳統中醫裡面,杏桃仁油也常常被提及, 用來治療“瘤”和“潰傷”, 杏桃仁果和的使用流傳既久且遠, 在17世紀的英格蘭, 也被用於和中醫說到的一樣的功能, 杏桃仁果實本身功用也很多, 像是吃一些乾燥的杏桃仁果實, 也能緩和便祕, 因為它含有豐富的纖維, 一般來說, 杏桃仁油有兩種:
• Cosmetic only - This variety is only meant for topical application.
• Edible - This variety can be used like sweet almond oil in cooking.
• 化妝品等級:這種僅作為局部使用
• 食用等級:這種和甜杏仁油一樣, 也可用於烹飪

cooking oil  

Production: The oil can be obtained from kernels using solvent extraction or cold pressed method. Cold pressed is better as it does not alter the chemical compounds in the oil. One should go for organic, high quality apricot kernel oil which is cold pressed.
生產方式:杏桃仁油可以使用溶劑萃取的方式提煉, 或是冷壓方式榨取, 冷壓方式較佳, 因為冷壓方式沒有改變它油脂裡面的化學成分, 最好的杏桃仁油是有機的高品質冷壓杏桃仁油

Apricot kernel oil possesses many therapeutic properties which make it suitable for its various uses.
杏桃仁油本身含有許多有治療性效果的特質, 所以適合使用於各種用途
• Emollient - Apricot seed oil is a brilliant emollient ( moisturizer ).
• Anti - Inflammatory - It reduces inflammation when applied topically or when ingested.
• Anti-Aging - It provides nutrition and support to the skin so that aging is reduced.
• Anti - Bacterial - This effect is made use of to treat clothes and other products to keep bacteria away. [1]
• Anti Septic - reduces risk of infection in open wounds and cuts.
• Antioxidant - prevents the skin from damage by free radicals.[2]
• 潤膚:杏桃仁油是絕佳的潤膚劑(保濕)
• 抗發炎:杏桃仁油食用或是皮膚使用都能減少發炎現象
• 抗老化:提供肌膚營養和支持, 讓老化現象減緩
• 抗菌:這種杏桃仁油的特色, 也使得它被應用在服裝和其他產品上, 來保持細菌不侵擾
• 防腐:減少開放性傷口或是刀切傷的感染
• 抗氧化:避免皮膚受到放射線(紫外線等)的損害

baby massage  
Color, Taste and Aroma Aprioct kernel oil is generally light yellow in color. It can also be slighter darker yellow depending on the variety of apricots and the extraction process. There is a slight nutty aroma in this oil. The taste is nutty, somewhat like almonds. It is ideal for making confections like marzipan.
色澤, 味道和香氣:杏桃仁油一般是淡黃色的, 但是因為品種的差異, 和榨取方式的不同也會有些是深一點的黃色, 油脂應該有淡淡的果香味道, 嚐起來像是核果味道, 有點像杏仁, 製作杏仁糖也很好用

Health Benefits
Apricot kernel oil can be use for a variety of personal uses and many home remedies. It is also used in alternative medicine for treatment of cancer, although it has not been proved.
杏桃仁油可備用時很多個人用途或是家庭防護, 在另類醫學也被用於治療癌症, 雖然效果尚未被正式證實

資料來源:  翻譯:鄭宜珉

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